Chiropractic Services 

Dr. Annie became certified in Animal Chiropractic through the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA) in June 2018. She completed a rigorous 5-month course at Options for Animals in Wellsville, KS in order to achieve this certification and is one of only a handful of equine veterinary practitioners in the Maryland-Pennsylvania-West Virginia region.

Animal Chiropractic is a method of optimizing your horse's own ability to heal itself. Good nerve communication from the bones, organs, and muscles in the body to the brain and back is critical for overall health. Because the nerves are so closely associated with the joints in the body, when the joints are restricted in their range of motion, the nerves can't communicate effectively. The chiropractic evaluation assesses the motion in your horse's joints, and adjustments are made as needed to ensure that the nearby nerves are free to function well.

Dr. Annie is super excited to be able to bring this service to PenMar Equine. She will freely admit that even she was one of the skeptics of chiropractic at first! However, the results she has seen in horses' movement, soundness, and even attitude speak for themselves. Talk to us or schedule an appointment today to see what chiropractic can do for your horse!


"Before using Dr. Annie, my past experience with chiropractic left me skeptical as the appointments were very short, and I had absolutely no clue what was happening.  Since using Dr. Annie, my faith has been restored!  She is extremely thorough, and she explains the process to me as she works.  I absolutely see a positive difference in my mare after her adjustments." - Erika Johnson, owner of Mae

"After seeing the results that Dr. Annie’s chiropractic work had on another horse at the barn, I decided to have her do my guy because he works pretty hard and thought he could benefit from a treatment. I was amazed to see his reaction- eyes soften, head lowered and licking and chewing. He thoroughly enjoyed his treatment and moved so nicely in the rides following. I decided to have my 19 year old, retired (suspensory ligament injury) mare done a couple of months later. My gut just told me that it would help her and my gut was right. She went from having a clean blanket all the time to a muddy mess because she felt comfortable enough to roll around outside or lay in her stall. I can’t thank Dr. Annie enough for making my gang feel so comfortable. I’ve had chiropractic work done on them before but this was different. Dr. Annie takes her time to see the horses response and to explain the anatomy and physiology of adjustments needed." - Erin Schaeffer, owner of Beezie and Brandy