The Pre-Purchase Exam

The pre purchase exam is one of the most important services an equine veterinarian can provide to their clients. The purpose of this exam is to make potential issues known to the buyer prior to purchase. You've already ridden the horse or watched the horse go- you know its a good fit for your level of riding. Our job is to provide you a picture of the horse's health on the day of the exam and give you an idea of how any issues found may affect the horse in its intended purpose. The cost of the exam is a sound investment in your (future) partnership. 

The pre purchase exam includes the following:

  • Thorough physical exam including auscultation of the heart & lungs, eye exam

  • Thorough musculoskeletal exam including palpation of all limbs, soft tissues, neck, spine and pelvis

  • Basic neurological exam including assessment of the cranial nerves

  • Soundness exam including observing the horse in hand, on the lunge & under tack (when possible)

  • Discussion with seller about prior history including obtaining a sellers statement

  • Additional diagnostics (bloodwork, radiographs, ultrasound, endoscopy) at discretion of buyer


American Association of Equine Practitioners article on Pre-Purchase Exam- a well written and concise statement of the role of the veterinarian in the pre-purchase exam. What to expect on the day of the exam and why this examination is a critical part of the horse buying process.